Thursday, July 18, 2013

Alphabet Soup - Classic Red, White and Black + Info on Shamballa Bracelets


Bag: White House/Black Market (old), Tank: Torrid, Necklace: Lane Bryant
Skirt: Asos Maternity, Shoes: Brash by Payless

I've been wanting to wear this skirt since I got it. I just never remembered I had it.
I got it from the maternity section of Asos in a size 14. It fits perfect. It has this cool painted alphabet design on it. I really like it.

I decided to pair it with a red tank from Torrid and red shoes from the Brash line at Payless.

I paired with this nice long necklace I found at Lane Bryant and silver and black earrings I got from Target. (I think!)
I carried my much adored, much used, much loved white purse that I got at white house/black market YEARS ago. I love this purse, and in the summer it goes with absolutely everything.

Below is Ziggy. One of my dogs. He kept photobombing my pictures, so I decided to just let him be in one.

I also wore my Shamballa bracelets.


Each color in a Shamballa Bracelet has a fascinating and unique meaning. The theory of colors relates to the colors in the Shamballa Bracelet you buy. The color you select promotes the feeling of well-being associated to the emotion or physical condition you wish to develop.
Rainbow Colored Shamballa Bracelet with all 7 Chakra Colors

Our eyes are the organ we most obviously associate with being sensitive to light, which, we then interpret as seeing different colors. There is research which suggests other parts of the body may be sensitive to different wavelengths of light (meaning different colors), and these areas are called ‘Chakra’ named after a Sanskrit word meaning ‘wheel’; as they are thought to be wheels of good energy. There are believed to be 7 different Chakra each one associated with a color and specific feeling of well-being.

A White Shamballa Bracelet is actually white or clear because it reflects all colors of the rainbow. Our eyes interprets this as white.

White or clear is the color for new beginnings, enthusiasm, clarity of purpose, spiritual insights and inspiration.  This is why white diamonds are always considered the choice of the romantic or for engagement rings.

White is the color of purity, innocence, and truth. So when a diamond or crystal Shamballa Bracelet is worn it is connected to Goddess characteristics.

White Shamballa wearers rule the night and the dream world, and are bringers of new life, fertility, new beginnings and totality; endless complete love. Even the addition of one clear white bead to a Shamballa Bracelet signifies purity and love, such is the strength of total reflection.

White casts purity, innocence, virginity, cleanliness, and neutrality and stands for safety, strength, and cleanliness. Hence medical white coats, white wedding dresses, and the ‘white light’ of consciousness.

Well, that is it for today!! Thanks for reading!!

xoxo JL

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